What Can You Do?

For the Community

Support Your Extended Community

While it may be relatively easy to assure that our own water is safe for consumption, that is not the reality for so many of our neighbors. Many in the urban community simply do not know what you do. Even more worrisome, while the solutions mentioned in the above section may be easy to obtain for you, they are not appropriate or affordable for the hundreds of thousands in rural villages throughout the region most at risk due to arsenic and fluoride contamination.  So, below, we go through some options on how you can help raise awareness, spread the word, and support others in our extended community by ensuring clean water access. 

Deepen Your Understanding: In Person or Online

Our periodic educational programs play a crucial role in serving the urban population within our watershed with the most up-to-date information on our water problems and their solutions. So keep an eye out for live events where you can learn more, get your direct questions answered in person, and find ways to engage further. This year, we’ve already held public talks in partnership the i3 Conference, PEN San Miguel, and the Instituto Allende's "Lifelong Learning" series, where we've continued to inform the public about the intricacies of our evolving water crisis both locally and around the globe as well as potential solutions.

  • But our educational offerings don't stop there. You can also delve into the insights shared by our executive director, Dylan Terrell, in his thought-provoking TEDx Talk from last year, go deeper on the impact of agriculture on our water crisis by watching the short documentary – Consuming the Future – produced by our partners at Wageningen University, or learn more about our history and work by watching our 10 Year Anniversary Video. Additionally, our website hosts a wealth of educational materials and articles, providing further resources for those passionate about water stewardship.

Join Us in the Field

At Caminos de Agua, we believe in the power of firsthand experiences to foster understanding and deepen commitment to our cause. That's why we regularly host "Special Experiences" – unique occasions where donors and members of rural communities we serve come together to learn, connect, and build meaningful relationships.

  • These immersive learning opportunities offer a glimpse into the reality of life in rural communities and showcase the impact of our work firsthand. Led by community members themselves, these gatherings provide a platform for showcasing local water technologies and the technical skills involved in managing them. Through these experiences, participants gain a deeper appreciation for the challenges faced by these communities and the vital role of sustainable water access in their lives.

    More than just creating water access, our work is also about building cultural bridges and fostering mutual understanding between local communities and a diverse array of stakeholders. These "Special Experiences" exemplify our commitment to community building and collaboration, and we invite you to join us in this journey of discovery and solidarity.

    If you're interested in taking part in one of these transformative experiences, please respond directly to this email or reach out to us at info@caminosdeagua.org. We'll be sure to add your name to our list of concerned individuals and keep you informed about upcoming opportunities to participate.

Host a Personalized Talk

In urban San Miguel de Allende, many remain unaware of the pressing water crisis gripping our region. Even long-time residents may not realize the extent of the crisis, which affects communities across all socioeconomic levels. That's why we're extending a special invitation to you to host a “Meet & Greet” event at your home, where we'll deliver a tailored talk addressing the specific needs and concerns of your friends and family.

  • This intimate gathering presents a unique opportunity to delve deeper into the nuances of our water crisis and the solutions being innovated by Caminos de Agua. Whether you're a newcomer eager to learn more, or a long-time resident seeking further insight, this event will provide valuable information and answer any questions you may have. Hosting a private talk has proven to be a powerful tool for spreading awareness and opening dialogue among both new and established residents of San Miguel. And, we rely on the support of community members like you to extend our beyond our immediate network.

    If you're interested in supporting our cause by hosting a talk in your home, simply reply to this email, and we'll handle all the logistics for you.

Launch a Greater Fundraising Initiative 

In 2023, Caminos de Agua witnessed one of our most impactful fundraising endeavors, led not by our organization, but by a dynamic trio of concerned community champions – David, Hardy, and Margo – who designed and led the "Clean Water for Life" Campaign to unprecedented success, lasting several months and leaving a lasting impact on our region.

  • Their strategy was multifaceted, involving the development of an email campaign, reaching out directly to dozens of contacts in San Miguel and beyond, as well as a series of meticulously planned private events in collaboration with other allies. These events provided attendees with comprehensive insights into the state of our water crisis, building awareness and sparking crucial conversations. Furthermore, they established a dedicated website as a central hub for information and engagement, inviting individuals to join their cause, and effectively galvanizing support and mobilizing action.

    The culmination of these efforts was nothing short of extraordinary. The "Clean Water for Life" Campaign raised over USD $100,000, which we were able to leverage to get governmental support as well, and ultimately enable the construction of over 170 Rainwater Harvesting Systems in communities whose health was seriously threatened.

    At Caminos de Agua, we are inspired by the achievements of David, Hardy, and Margo, and we believe that you too can make a difference. With our support and your leadership, we can work together to ensure clean water access for all.

Going Deeper: Volunteer with Caminos

From our dedicated 12 member board of directors, to our deep bench of technical advisors and rotating technical fellows, we rely heavily on volunteers to achieve our mission. While we can’t offer the “traditional” volunteering opportunities of other organizations, we are always on the lookout for those who are willing to dedicate serious time to become more intimately involved with our mission. If you are a writer, possess technical expertise, have contacts in related fields that could benefit our projects, or would enjoy building stronger community support for our work, we welcome your collaboration and partnership. 

Make a donation.

Caminos de Agua is a nonprofit organization that creates access to clean drinking water through a unique,  proven participatory and grassroots approach.  Our projects currently provide clean water access to more than 50,000 people in the Upper Río Laja Watershed as well as throughout Mexico. Our goal is to reach 250,000 by 2030. Support our work by making a donation today.

Get in touch.

Interested in learning more about our work or collaborating with us? Whether you have questions, ideas, or simply want to chat, we’d love to hear from you! Reach out and join us in creating sustainable water solutions for our communities.