


San Miguel de Allende and the surrounding Upper Río Laja Watershed are grappling with a severe water crisis. The groundwater that over 2,800 communities rely on has been rapidly depleting, with water levels dropping by as much as 10 feet (3 meters) annually in some areas. As the water table sinks, the remaining water becomes increasingly contaminated with dangerous levels of arsenic and fluoride.

This contamination poses serious health risks, especially for children, whose developing bodies absorb these toxins more easily. The community is witnessing a rise in dental and skeletal fluorosis, chronic kidney disease, developmental delays, learning impairments in children, and even various forms of cancer. The situation is urgent, with children’s health particularly at risk as they bear the brunt of this worsening crisis.

What's the water quality of San Miguel de Allende?

Caminos de Agua has been monitoring water quality, specifically arsenic and fluoride contamination, for years in both rural and urban locations. Below you will find our Water Quality Map, a digital tool that allows anybody to consult their closest water source and the contamination levels for arsenic and fluoride. Click on the map and zoom to your city or neighborhood to learn more about the water quality in your area. 

There are roughly 20 wells that serve the colonias of urban San Miguel de Allende. Because of this, water quality changes according to where you live. Water quality can also change over short periods of time in urban San Miguel due to the fact that water is often mixed between two or more different urban wells. This is done to guarantee the increasing water demand in San Miguel. The unfortunate side-effect is that many in our community, who have no other choice but to drink or cook with contaminated water from the tap, are getting sick.

While this initiative is currently focused on the city of San Miguel, we plan to expand to other cities in our watershed in the future as we continue to increase our knowledge base.

Get in touch.

If you would like to learn more about Caminos de Agua or if you have any questions, please contact us by filling out this form.