San Antonio de Lourdes - October 2015

San Antonio de Lourdes has had their community well collapse twice over the last 20 years.  Today, there is no consistent water access, and members of the community must travel to neighboring ranchos and communities to receive water.  Caminos de Agua tested sites close by San Antonio in 2012 and found some of the highest levels of arsenic and fluoride contamination in the region.  Consequently, the community was very excited and involved in the rainwater process.  More than 35 people lent a hand to build a rainwater harvesting system - with newly designed (45L) first flush system - for the community's local church.  The new smaller first flush system will serve the smaller roofs much better now and in the future.  Two filtration systems were put in the local kindergarten and elementary schools.  The directors of both schools will help coordinate delivery of water from the cisterns to the schools for filtration on a daily basis. Given the sever water access and contamination issues in and surrounding the community, we are hoping to do a large-scale rainwater project in the covering the entire community in 2016 (funding dependent). 

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