Introducing, “Drop by Drop", Our New Monthly Giving Program

How would you react if the next time you turned on your water faucet, nothing came out?  Or, what if you were told your water is seriously contaminated with toxic chemical contaminants? 

This is the unfortunate reality for far too many of the nearly 700,000 people living in the Upper Río Laja Watershed in Northern Guanajuato, which includes more than 2,500 communities from small rural villages to urban San Miguel de Allende. Many in our region have had their well completely dry up or may be receiving water only once or twice a week. While others grapple with excessive levels of arsenic and fluoride, which are linked to a host of chronic health conditions like dental and crippling skeletal fluorosis, cognitive development and learning disabilities in children, and even several types of cancers.

Caminos de Agua has been leading the fight to help those at risk gain access to clean water for nearly a decade. We develop innovative solutions to these complex water quality and scarcity challenges. We partner with local communities to identify risks and create access to clean water through the implementation of rainwater harvesting, filtration, and sanitation systems. And we collaborate closely with government, grassroots organizations, NGOs, and academic institutions to significantly increase our impact. 

We’ve accomplished a lot over the last 10 years, but we’ve still got so much work to do, which is why we’ve started “Drop by Drop” – our new monthly giving program. By joining Drop by Drop, you’re helping in the creation of a long-term fund that will allow us to help more communities access clean water.

So, please, click on the button below to learn so much more about this program and why we’ve started Drop by Drop.  


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