Water and Health project. Collaboration with the 2021-2024 Municipal Government of San Diego de la Unión

At the end of 2022, and as part of the Water and Health project, Caminos de Agua signed a contract  with the municipal government of San Diego de la Union, Guanajuato, a neighboring municipality to San Miguel de Allende, which suffers from some of the most severe water quality and scarcity issues in our region. The collaborative project focuses on the installation of rainwater harvesting systems and educational programming throughout the municipality. However, this is not the first time the current mayor, Juan Carlos Castillo Cantero, has been elected as the municipal mayor of San Diego, nor is this the first time he has focused his efforts on water issues in the region. Water has always been a priority on Mayor Catillo’s agenda.

Caminos de Agua's first collaboration with the municipality of San Diego de la Unión was in January 2018 when we collaborated with Mayor Castillo’s administration to  coordinate a large-scale study of all rural wells in the municipality, to identify arsenic and fluoride levels in water. Caminos de Agua contacted partners at Texas A&M University and the University of Guanajuato to conduct the study. All samples were processed at the Texas A&M University laboratory. Results can be seen on our water quality map. 

Photo: Taking water samples from a well

Photo: Arsenic levels from community wells in San Diego de la Unión, 2018.

Photo: Fluoride levels from community wells in San Diego de la Unión, 2018.

As you can see, the arsenic and fluoride levels far exceed the World Health Organization allowable limits. This problem of arsenic and fluoride contaminated groundwater in the region is not the only problem for San Diego de la Unión, but is a major concern throughout the region and greater Mexico. In Mayor Castillo’s current administration (2021-2024), we are together focusing substantial efforts and resources to mitigate this contamination problem, as well as severe water scarcity issues, through the installation of Rainwater Harvesting Systems. 

Photo: Community Implementation Coordinator Saúl Juarez, facilitating a technical workshop at Ex-Hacienda de Monjas Community in San Diego de la Unión.

The funds provided by the municipality of San Diego de la Unión cover the total amount of materials for the installation of 180 RWH systems, with a capacity of 5,000 liters each. Fifty (50) additional cisterns were provided by Caminos de Agua through our Water & Health Project, for a total of 230 systems serving at-risk families. These systems are destined for 26 rural communities considered by the municipality as priorities: 

Bordo de Guadalupe, Bordo del Carmen, Cerritos, Desmonte, Ejido el Barreno El Gato, Ejido Gomez Villanueva, El Patol, El Rosalito, Ex Hacienda de Monjas, Ex Hacienda La Jaula, Ex Hacienda Noria de Alday, La Presita de la Luz, Magueyal, Miramar, Naranjero, Naynare, Ojo Ciego, Parritas, Pozo Ademado, Presa de Monjas, Puerta de Cárdenas, San Antonio, San José de Monjas, San Pedro, Santa Teresa de Monjas , Zacatequillas. A couple more of RHW systems where installed in the urban area of San Diego de la Unión.

Caminos de Agua, along with the grassroots organization SECOPA, committed to providing educational and technical workshops as well as educational materials for the implementation of the RWH systems. Caminos de Agua also facilitates workshops for staff members of the Rural Development Department of San Diego de la Unión, and oversees the RWH systems installations. .

195 of the 230 RWH systems have been installed, and are ready to use. The remaining 35 systems will be completed before this year's rainy season.

The Gonzalo Río Arronte Foundation (FGRA), the main funder of the Water and Health Project, requires matching funding as well as government participation in the projects it helps fund. We applaud Mayor Castillo, and the municipal government of San Diego de la Unión, for their commitment to making clean water access a priority and their willingness to participate in this project. 

Photo: San Diego de la Unión Mayor 2021-2024, Juan Carlos Castillo Cantero.

If you want to learn more about Mayor Castillo, we invite you to read an in-depth interview he did with Caminos de Agua in December of 2022.


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