Sixth Water Learning Community (WLC) encounter from CUVAPAS | Water & Health project

Filled with stories, and wonderful words, we held the sixth meeting of the Water Learning Communities (WLC) in their respective locations.

For the meeting held in the San Cayetano Parroquia in San Luis de la Paz, we experienced moments such as the inside eyes, the creation of a map story, and the harvesting of documentations where the group had the opportunity to see all the materials as the resulted of past learning communities.

The Water Learning Communities (WLC) are part of the Water and Health initiative, which is mainly funded by the Gonzalo Río Arronte Foundation

There are a total of 12 meetings facilitated by Raquel Zepeda, Consuelo Pelliquer of INANA AC, and the education and community implementation team of Caminos. The invitation, logistics, and organization of these meetings are a collective effort of the committees of Comunidades Unidas por la Vida y el Agua Pastoral Social (CUVAPAS) and Servicios Comunitarios Pozo Ademado (SECOPA) respectively.

The members who attend the events are community groups from CUVAPAS and SECOPA that have benefited from rainwater harvesting systems or dry toilets. We are grateful for the great work that is necessary to carry out these spaces for reflection, listening, care, and affection every three months, thank you to the community organization that makes this possible.


Fundación de Apoyo Infantil & Caminos de Agua Urban Water Initiative


The Story of Salitrillo| Building Community Organization to Assure Safe Water for Future Generations